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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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There was a group of adventurers who stumbled upon an old tomb. Within the tomb there were many wonders and sites. There were many drawings upon the walls of men, women and animals.

Here in this beautiful site, there had been found ancient mummies and items that are believed to be from the past.

While exploring the tomb, the group found a very unusual door. The door was 10 feet in height, and 3 feet wide. It was made of marble, but there was no window or door knob. There wasn't a way to open it.

However, along the right side of the door, there were vertical colored stones. The top one was a clear stone, then yellow, then red, then blue.

The group didn't know what to do. So, one of them touched the red stone and it glowed, then they touch the blue stone and it glowed. The clear stone turned violet, but then it flashed and became clear again. They figured out that the color stones had to be the way to open the door.

Which color combination is the right one to open the tomb door?

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red yellow blue clear or yellow red clear blue or blue red clear yellow or yellow red clear blue or vlear blue red or red yellow blue clear or uhh illl come up with rest later
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


With dynomite. That tends to solve everyones problems.


Okay, the clear stone shows the colour made when the other 2/3 are mixed (red + blue = violet). How are we supposed to know what colour has to be made in order to open the door?


Magic. You use magic to open the door.


lol, i dont know y im still laughing 2 at that guest

u only use 2 colors and then the 3rd appears. at that point, the door either opens or stays closed.

btw, if ur not from the U.S., u might not get this riddle
im only accepting 1 answer at a time (ults!) and it doesnt matter what order.  u have 2 say y to get credit, so if u get answer and willie comes and explains like he did last 2 times, he gets points

the marble has nothing 2 do w/ riddle, but good thinkin

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*scroll down for big hint*

think traffic

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right colors, wrong reason

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something to do with green and traffic in the U.S.......no freakin idea.   :-[  is your signature of a red stop sign part of the hint too?  i have no clue....


first the red, then the yellow, then the clear stone turns green. Reason? MAGIC!

No really... it was because there was a genie right, and he did magic to make green rocks.

But no, seriously. Its b/c Red is stop. Yellow is... speed up  :D. And green is GO!


i think blue and yellow makes green.  it makes green and green means GO.  i should get the points cuz not only do i have the right colors, but also the reason in the same post. 


You can take that blue and yellow and SHOVE IT UP UR ASS!

Stupid non-magical person... trying to give *reasons*... pssh.


how bout this, ill give ya both a point, and whoever posts there riddle 1st gets to go next

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I have 2 hands with 5 fingers each
2 legs with 5 toes each
one face with 2 eyes
and one mouth
and 1 nose
and 2 ears
I poop out of my anus.
What am I?


Ho ho ho... Ive stumpped you all! Why is I be so hyper?! Omg I is be talk like ult! omg now i is lose my punctueratiosnl omg like i like lose my periods yay i is have no more periods