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Started by The_Gu3st, February 28, 2006, 09:29:30 AM

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most people dont know this but the bible actualy ends with me showing up at the crucifixion with a pair of uzis and kicking some roman ass. i was all like, "jesus, i totally saved you" then, off on the horizon, a bunch of romans show up riding dinosaurs led by mecha pontious pilate. jesus busts out this sweet ninja sword and says, "now its my turn to save you" then jesus and me run towards the romans in slow motion. thats how the bible ends. its a cliff-hanger. i cant wait for the sequel, "the bible 2: water...into blood"

thats how badass i am

click my egg to get ur own


I'm so badass I convinced Jesus to become an atheist.

I'm so badass that I killed Jack Bauer.


im so badass, i killed chuck noris

im so badass, i wrote the pilot episode for the weather channel

click my egg to get ur own


I'm so badass, I killed everyone.

I'm so badass, I killed everyone.


I'm so badass that i revived everyone, and kill them again.

I'm so badass that i am my own god now since i killed everyone for the second time.


im so badass, i can be more creative then "i killed this loser, wow im so cool"

im so badass, it is impossible to share a birthday with me. this is because my birthday is on the 36th of hafuary, a day i invented solely for my birthday and only my birthday to avoid people having to divide their birthday present budget for people born on the same day as me.

click my egg to get ur own


I'm so badass, I don't need a birthday to make people spend ridiculous amounts of money on me.

Santa Claus did exist once. One day, he fell through my chimney. And I didn't like that.


I'm so badass that I didnt kill this thread for the second time.

I'm so badass that when I snore, the whole world shakes.


im so badass when i snore i cause  earthquakes and  volcano eruptions

im so badass i sit on the tv and crush the couch
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


I'm so badass...I don't do that :o

I'm so badass that I have eaten nothing but metal and glass since my birth.


im so badass i ate molten lava since birth

im so badass i control god
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


I'm so badass I control the controller of God.

I'm so badass the building crew hired me to demolish old castles and forts...with my head.


I'm so badass that i can destroy planets. I just point my one-eyed monster to the planet, then I shoot at it.

I'm so badass, when I bench weights I dont push the weights up. I push the whole world down


I'm so badass, I don't move, the whole universe moves for me instead.

I'm so badass, I don't eat normal food, I eat my own excretements. And enjoy it.


im so badass i can eat the  whole coca cola factory

im so badass  no 1 con control or command me
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut