Duel Board - Free multiplayer online games

Duel Board => New Graphics => Topic started by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 01:38:00 AM

Title: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 01:38:00 AM
Well I made Two Commander protypes..'cuse we seriously need new ones becuase the ones we got now suck

First one:

Enlarged version

Second one:

Enlarged version

If anyone wants to give me any ideas ill make them work scince i have flash and im very good at it,((we really need new monsters and commanders ect ect...))
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: ultswordsman on August 11, 2005, 01:39:38 AM
red one nice but i dont like how he moves
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 01:41:18 AM
lol ya, I dont like how he moves either but bleh, I could make him wakl normal, or just about anything else
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 01:45:46 AM
I know thier alittle, animeish but they are prototypes i got like..lots more o.o;
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 02:02:40 AM

Added this one today...mmm big sword goodness o_o
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 02:18:58 AM

Red commander another version of it, sorry if its kinda scratchy it got hard becuase im working with a black backround insted of a white one.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheMcCool on August 11, 2005, 02:24:59 AM
They're pretty cool, and I like the style, but could you post them all in normal size and make sure they're 32X32 pixels?
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: The_Gu3st on August 11, 2005, 03:13:53 AM
I like em but they dont match what-so-ever with the ingame commanders and you cant start commanders out with any sort of wepon. Besides, didnt parsley already take care of em???
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 11, 2005, 04:45:40 AM
I like them.....but they neeed to be 32x32
I learned that the hard way too
...."idk if yours are....but they dont look like it"
the animations are cool tho  :)
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: matlu on August 11, 2005, 12:12:19 PM
hm, they look too good, like they were taken from some other game
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 11, 2005, 12:35:11 PM
I was thinking the same thing......maybe hes just that good...... ???
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: matlu on August 11, 2005, 12:43:28 PM
don't know, this red guy looks more like Robin Hood, definitely not suitable for Cyber Battles. 
Quotething......maybe hes just that good......
hm. Maybe. But in this case.... what the hell is he doing *here*? :p
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 11, 2005, 12:48:14 PM
Lmao :)
i dont know
maybe hes expecting pay?
i send in my graphics cus i have nothing else to do at 2 am
well....i could sleep.......i guess
plus this is good practice for a career i hope to get a job in someday...."computer animation"
i dont have much for resources tho....iam on a pc wit a broken mouse and only art program i have is paint
guess its better then nothing though lol
"p.s. maybe his graphics would be more suitable for your rpg thing??"
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: matlu on August 11, 2005, 12:58:16 PM
Quote"p.s. maybe his graphics would be more suitable for your rpg thing??"
the graphics for that rpg thing will be a bit complicated. The player characters will have to be created as "paper-doll" if you know what I mean, there will be many different layers, base body, leg armour, body armour, head cover, weapons etc. and each layer will have to be drawn separately. It is necessery in order to be able to replace your weapons and armour and have differenr sprite for each combination.
Non-player characters will be simplier, but still each monster will need several phases, from several angles (front view, side view, back view, and also view from 45 degrees).
Just have a look at RS 1 and think about what was necessary to achieve it.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Parsley on August 11, 2005, 01:23:00 PM
Ignoring the fact that these do look ripped off a japanime RPG...

Remember that when you animate, people are going to be looking at these for a fairly long time, so the movements have to be something that won't irritate people off after several hours of staring at them.

What I've found that works & doesn't:
- Don't move body parts too much, as it looks highly repetitive after a while.  Same goes for sweeping weapon movement.
- Mechanical parts moving or changing colour works very nicely
- Blend/smudge animation allows for ~50% more movement than a raster/cell animation (changing the actual position of the moving item); looks a lot less jerky.
- Minimalise every animation to it's bare essentials; I'm not very good at doing this yet...

Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 11, 2005, 01:44:06 PM
I also agree on the whole possibility of these being riped off from some other game "possibly a jap rpg gameboy game"....look familiar......iam not into those games, but i see them reviewed on tv alot.....i cant name the game they remind me of tho
however.....the animations still nice...lol even if their not yours......not to say there not......i mean........umm......... ???-runs away- 
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: BladeSabre on August 11, 2005, 05:29:45 PM
QuoteBlend/smudge animation allows for ~50% more movement than a raster/cell animation (changing the actual position of the moving item); looks a lot less jerky.

I don't like this, and it really doesn't fit with everyone else's graphics.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Parsley on August 11, 2005, 05:56:30 PM
It's a fair point.  Imho it provides a degree of progress from the original Cyber Wars, but the inconsistency between rendered and raster graphics certainly detracts from the overall look of the game.

However, as long as Matlu's happy to keep on upgrading the fx I think consistency is something that will come with a consensus among designers on what works the best - and the only way to figure that out is to design stuff, chuck it into the game, and see what sticks.

+ it's always possible to render a raster, but very tough to raster a render...  ;)

fyi -
raster = graphics constructed from pixel-by-pixel drawing;
render = taking these drawings and using design tools to make them look more realistic.

Although I admit it's a bit of a stretch calling anything that's 32x32 'rendered'
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: BladeSabre on August 11, 2005, 06:52:08 PM
I much prefer pixel art for small pictures. Because you don't have very many pixels to work with, it's more important to make each one count. Computer programs don't understand how modifying one pixel can change the whole look of the thing at this size.

When you take a tiny picture and "render" it, I would say that the effect was "smudgy" rather than "realistic". I think the working area is far too small to aim for "realistic", and it's better to go for something bold and simple instead.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 11, 2005, 09:34:16 PM
lol you all are pretty good, makes me happy that you people know your sprites! lol, the sprites where ripped from games and i gave them new animations colors even added stuff to them..so thier not the SAME sprites as far as movments but they are like different..you know what im saying lol!,but I did just realize they need to be in 32X32 which is kinda hard for me, but ill come up with something lol
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 12, 2005, 04:15:26 AM

I got bored so i tried a commander..........heh........
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Parsley on August 12, 2005, 12:00:16 PM
That would make a fantastic psi lord
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: BladeSabre on August 12, 2005, 12:15:07 PM
I agree.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Bakster on August 12, 2005, 03:00:54 PM
As do I.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: anima on August 12, 2005, 03:58:59 PM
If i remember correctly, our friend iced marche, is from a animation board. He said to me, that this place needs to be improved (graphically), and then he flamed my commander   :(
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Parsley on August 12, 2005, 06:17:18 PM
Get more people over from the animation board.

The only decent spriter we have at the moment is Luggage...

Who's been fairly unproductive recently.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Iced_Marche on August 13, 2005, 12:42:44 AM
Quote from: anima on August 12, 2005, 03:58:59 PM
If i remember correctly, our friend iced marche, is from a animation board. He said to me, that this place needs to be improved (graphically), and then he flamed my commander   :(
I dont think i was in the animation board and i dont even know you o.o; but if i did and dont remember it sorry dude
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: TheArbiter on August 13, 2005, 09:34:52 AM
What about using my guy for a psi lord???  ???
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: anima on August 13, 2005, 02:33:11 PM
I dont think i was in the animation board and i dont even know you o.o; but if i did and dont remember it sorry dude

Sorry, my mistake ??? The other day, a guest was talking about new graphics, so i put  two and two together and assumed you were this guest.

BTW, nice graphics.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: The_Gu3st on August 18, 2005, 07:55:39 PM
Quote from: anima on August 13, 2005, 02:33:11 PM
i put two and two together and assumed you were this guest.

^I know this is completely off-topic but i've never understood that saying ^.

Why two and two? Why not like 6 and 6 or 1 and 1? And if you think about it, it doesnt really make any sense whatsoever. 2+2=4?

Wouldnt it atleast make more sense to ay "i put 1 and 1 together"?

;D Sorry for the off-topicness, but i'd like someone to answer this.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: Parsley on August 19, 2005, 01:59:16 PM
I'm going for the mystical answer myself:


Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: T3h luggage on August 21, 2005, 03:07:18 AM
The first is an edit of a sprite from Megaman Xtreme, prolly X himself or some other.  The others are also certainly edits.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: anima on August 21, 2005, 09:27:52 PM
Quote from: The_Gu3st on August 18, 2005, 07:55:39 PM

Why two and two? Why not like 6 and 6 or 1 and 1? And if you think about it, it doesnt really make any sense whatsoever. 2+2=4?

Wouldnt it atleast make more sense to ay "i put 1 and 1 together"?

The meaning of the phrase is when you make a logical connection between two ideas/facts. The phrase should read i put two together (two facts), however, that was not the correct way to say it when it was first used.
Title: Re: New Commander prototypes
Post by: SiR gUt on September 04, 2005, 01:14:49 AM
i just moticed this post and wow those protypes like reminded me of that stupid show dragon ball z