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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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Do my riddle! N00bs


7 mins, 30 secs, and the spikes dont kill you


Well...incorrect...my answer is different.


i just noticed this topic only has 22 posts till 1000, so i decided to finish it off.  from now on, riddles count as 3 points each.
i got a good one for u all to start us off:

Clyde Stevenson just bought a brand new house. Everything in it was state of the art; the refrigerator was stainless steel, the ovens were electric, even the windows were built to only open from the inside. Clyde was a very nervous man, and always kept his house locked up, especially this one, since it was new.

Clyde decided, since he bought a nice new house, he might as well break it in and plan a barbeque. He went to the store and bought some steaks, wine (it was his first party), and other things that he saw fit. He set the table, had the steaks marinating, and then began calling his friends to come over. He invited Stan, Eric, Helen and Pete.

They all came over and Clyde started the steaks. He finished grilling the steaks, and then broke open the wine and they started to eat. They talked about sports, the news, and gossiped about people in town. After a while, Stan started to get a little tipsy and was getting a little rude. Clyde asked him to settle down, in a civil matter, but Stan got furious and tried to fight. After quite a brawl, they got a taxi for Stan and everyone left.

The next day at 10:00 A.M., the police got a call that Clyde had been murdered. When the police arrived on the scene, they found Stan and Helen. The police officer decided to question them both at the station, to get the story straight.

When the officer questioned Stan, he said, "I was talking to Helen on the phone when I told her I should go over to Clyde's to apologise. (Stan told the officer what happened last night) She said that she should come with me in case things got heated again, and I said that was fine. I got there about ten minutes after Helen did, and I noticed that the front door was locked. I decided to look through a window to see if they were there, when I saw Helen, blood soaked, tossing a knife into the sink. I quickly opened the window and crawled through, and called the police. Helen killed Clyde."

When the officer questioned Helen she said, "Stan called me and told me to meet him at Clyde's so he could apologise about last night. (She also told the story about what happened) I get there about ten minutes faster than Stan, so I decided to wait in the car for him. After a while, I got bored so I decided to go in and tell Clyde what was going to happen. I noticed the door was wide open, and I thought that was strange because Clyde is a very nervous man. So, I rang the doorbell, walked in, and locked the door, because I know that Clyde always wants the door locked. I saw Clyde lying on the floor with stab wounds. I grabbed him to see if he was alive, but he was dead. I went into the kitchen to call the police when I saw Stan in the other room saying that I killed him, and that he had called the police."

The officer put them in different jail cells and decided to look over the crime scene. He searched the entire area and discovered who murdered Clyde. Who was it and why?

click my egg to get ur own


Quote from: haferhole1 on January 18, 2006, 07:33:23 AM
When the officer questioned Stan, he said, "I was talking to Helen on the phone when I told her I should go over to Clyde's to apologise. (Stan told the officer what happened last night) She said that she should come with me in case things got heated again, and I said that was fine. I got there about ten minutes after Helen did, and I noticed that the front door was locked. I decided to look through a window to see if they were there, when I saw Helen, blood soaked, tossing a knife into the sink. I quickly opened the window and crawled through, and called the police. Helen killed Clyde."
im guessing it was stan who killed clyde because the windows could only be opened from the inside so he mustve been lying about opening it to get in.
sometimes, you may see more with your eyes shut.


good job, and welcome to the game. i c ur new, so if u didnt already read in post 1, now you post a riddle and we try to guess it

click my egg to get ur own


Hm, that riddle was pretty easy, I thought you had made a typo about the window because it seemed so simple  ;)


i didnt write it, i got it from a site (notice the good grammer/spelling), and i didnt know u guys would get it so fast.

click my egg to get ur own


*pouts* Nobody will get the answer to my riddle of genius!! *pout pout* :'(


That's because it's a loser riddle.


It's a loser riddle because everybody loses when trying to solve it!!!


no, im pretty sure its just a bad riddle, because i was like 99% sure i got it right.  i think u dont have the right answer

can someone post a new riddle?


I would do, but you all suck. :'(


"Rupert Brown's radio was blaring loud enough to wake the dead!" said Betty Beety. "Anyway, I went over to give him a piece of my mind. When I arrived there, I found his front door open, with his feet sticking out!"
"Must have been quite a shock," Lieutenant Georgeton said.
"Not as big a shock as when I walked in and saw that he had been plugged between the eyes!"
"Oh my," Georgeton agreed. "Now tell me Mrs. Beety, did you see or hear anything else?"
"Nope, I just flicked off the radio and hightailed it back here to call you folks."
Georgeton glowered. "You shouldn't have touched the radio, Mrs. Beety."
Georgeton returned to Rupert Brown's trailer and found Sergeant Sprott standing out front with two women. "Lieutenant, this is Allison and Maggie White. They live just across the way. Allison just got home a few moments ago but--"
"I saw the killer," Maggie blurted. "Plain as day."
"What?! You didn't tell me that!" exclaimed Allison.
"I didn't have a chance, with the police being here."
"What happened?!" Allison demanded.
"Well..." Maggie began. "That woman was running from Rupert's place. I had gone into the kitchen to get a snack, and I just happened to peek out the window to look across at Rupert's and there she was-- running out his door." She sobbed into a pink hanky.
Georgeton patted her shoulder. "If you mean Betty Beety, then I've already talked with her."
"Did she tell you about throwing the murder weapon in the trash can?"
"What?" Georgeton was stunned.
"I saw her. She stopped at Rupert's trash can and threw something in."
"You saw her throw in a gun?"
"She threw in something."
Sergeant Sprott crossed to the trash can and leaned all the way in. He did indeed find a recently fired gun right on top. He told Georgeton about his findings.
Georgeton turned to Maggie again. "You referred to Brown by his first name, were you two friends?"
She nodded. "We broke up last night. He just couldn't be faithful to one woman and--"
"He was a heel!" snapped Allison. "Gave you nothing but heartache."
"So the two of you broke up, eh?" Georgeton asked.
"Yes, but I'm not lying about what I saw. The woman threw something in his trash can!"
"How about the gunshot, ma'am, did you hear it?"
"No, I--" Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Now look what you've done!" Allison snapped. "Of course she didn't hear the gunshot, his radio was too loud! But she did see the killer."
Georgeton turned to Sprott. "You stay here with these two. I'm going to have another talk with Mrs. Beety."
* * * * * * *
"It was just a couple tissues!" Mrs. Beety sobbed. "That's all I threw in the can. When I saw him shot like that....I- I got queasy, and I saw a tissue dispenser. So I grabbed a couple to cover my mouth..."
* * * * * * *
"I'll check the can for tissues," Sprott said to Georgeton when he got back from Mrs. Beety's trailer.
"Go right ahead. But it's not gonna prove anything," Georgeton replied. "She could have thrown both the gun and the tissues in."
"But then we're at dead end!"
Georgeton smiled grimly. "Wrong. The killer slipped up. Killers usually do."

Whom does Lieutenant Georgeton suspect?


alison because she got so mean
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut