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Decrease the odds on mutate

Started by Andre, June 05, 2005, 05:35:45 AM

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I was just thinking the odds of getting a good monster off a mutate should be decreased.  It might just be me, but i tend to get AQ's, preds, spiders, and bmechs just as often as other things.  Not that this isnt a pleasant surprise when it happens, but I think in all fairness in the game this should be lowered.

I might be the only one who wants more powerful monsters LESS often but I'm strange like that.

Thank You


actually the mutate % is pretty low....most of the time i useally fail or i get a 3 strength monster. only once did i get a powerful monster.


Mutate is fine. There are a lot more weaker monsters than stronger ones.


I don't know. Mutate probably should take resistance into account. Currently it doesn't. Currently there is only this standard 70% to succeed.


There is about a 2.41% chance of getting each monster...so compounded thats a 9.66% chance of gettting a Battle Mech, Alien Queen, Spider, or Predator, when using mutate. Notice this percentage is less then the percentage of beaming down one of those monsters.

Note: I did not round of in my calculations, only on here, so numbers are quite accurate.

<edit>I have a question about how resistance works, im not quite sure. If resistance is say 5 does that mean if the action succeeds to initiate, then it has a 50% chance of working, and for resistance of 8 it would have a 20% chance?


When you perform ANY action, there is ALWAYS this "standard" check at the beginning (action probability modified with world alignment). If this check fails, the action is immediately unsuccesful.
Some actions have ADDITIONAL check atfer the standard check succeeds. For example for "hypnotize" there is resistance check. If a monster has resistance 6, it has 60% to resist and NOT be affected by the action (even when the first check succeeded. So if the monster resists, action is still considered unsuccesful.

As far as I remember, this additional resistance check is impleneted for hypnotize, disruptor and disintegrator. It is not implemented for mutate (probably it SHOULD.. but maybe it's just more fun without it).


I think that mutate is good as is. I dont think changing one of the only ways to defeat pred,spider,and alien queen should be taken out. It's already hard enough to beat them.


very true...at least its one way to turn a battle around


The chance of it mutating to those is less than the chance of beaming those......its fine how it is.