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Started by Bakster, September 09, 2005, 09:16:45 PM

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Time for a rant about Jesus.

How did that guy get so many titles. Here are a few:

The Messiah
Son of God
God made Man
Brother of God
Uncle of God
Second Cousin Twice Removed of God
Giver of life after death
The Resurrection
The guy who never sinned


Ok, so Jesus performed a few miracles according to the Bible.

One of those is the ability to walk on water. That's fucking scary. Imagine you lying on the beach getting a tan and suddenly a long-haired, bearded man walks towards you on the ocean. Wouldn't you be freaked out?
Then he says "Don't be afraid"...

So Jesus lies next to you and says "watch dis, yo", then he performs his next miracle. Shazzam! The water in the ocean has now changed to wine.

That's a pretty shit miracle, changing water into wine. Is that to suggest we should drink alcohol (which induces sinful behaviour) instead of drinking pure water? Nice logic there, Mr. Retard who wrote the bible.

Why did Jesus get crucified anyway. Did he get sentenced for never sinning? What a crime. A more logical reason for execution would be witchcraft. At least those Roman douchebags have a sensible reason for executing Jesus. And it would be a kind of a logical reason for resurrection.

Church also sucks. What idiot came up with the idea with the bread and wine being the Body and Blood of Jesus? I mean, the world population could have ate 1000 times the amount his body in one day of church services.

That was a joke, it obviously doesn't mean the exact body of jesus. But it's a pretty crap symbolic idea. Bread is weak and can be broken easily. Is that to suggest Jesus' body/mind was fragile and easily breakable? Some respect the church is paying. Wine representing blood? Is that to suggest Jesus had a permanent OTT blood alcohol content?

How did Jesus remove all sin anyway? He died and got resurrected, big whoop, that didn't do shit. It didn't stop terrorism or wars or anything.

Jesus and the Bible is a load of bullshit.

Do you agree? Discuss.


I totally disagree with u but ur allowed ur opinion but ur right about churches the whole of christendom is evil. its very complicated though


Quote from: Bakster on September 09, 2005, 09:16:45 PM
Jesus and the Bible is a load of bullshit.

Please if you are going to express your views, do so in a less offensive way. A comment like this will just piss people off.

Secondly you must have attended 1 day of church to come here and bitch about things that I clearly understood when I used to participate in service.....as a young child.

Quote from: Bakster on September 09, 2005, 09:16:45 PM
That's a pretty shit miracle, changing water into wine. Is that to suggest we should drink alcohol (which induces sinful behaviour) instead of drinking pure water? Nice logic there, Mr. Retard who wrote the bible.

Take into note the time difference here.... And also the bible is made of many from many different people, hence the different chapters. So there is no single "Mr. Retard".

Quote from: Bakster on September 09, 2005, 09:16:45 PM
Why did Jesus get crucified anyway. Did he get sentenced for never sinning? What a crime. A more logical reason for execution would be witchcraft. At least those Roman douchebags have a sensible reason for executing Jesus. And it would be a kind of a logical reason for resurrection.

Ok so here you have not only contradicted yourself, but you are implying the Romans always had a good reason to kill someone. I am not stating that anything is true, but I will say what is believed in Christianity.

Again note the time difference, in those times people with different ideas were killed or excommunicated for having different ideas. If I recall correctly, the Bible says Jesus taught his own sermons and went around preaching his word. I don't think this was fully accepted by the government so they crucified him.

Now for your contradiction. At the end of your post you claim "the Bible is bullshit", implying it's not true, but then here you use an event told in the Bible(the resurrection) to justify Jesus not being what the Bible says?

QuoteThat was a joke, it obviously doesn't mean the exact body of Jesus. But it's a pretty crap symbolic idea. Bread is weak and can be broken easily. Is that to suggest Jesus' body/mind was fragile and easily breakable? Some respect the church is paying. Wine representing blood? Is that to suggest Jesus had a permanent OTT blood alcohol content?

I forget the reason I have heard for the body and blood of Christ being bread and wine. But the way I think it could have been was that bread and wine were a large part of what people had back then. Bread was what helped people survive and kept them alive, maybe trying to say Jesus symbolizes that? Though like I said I'm only guessing, I forget what the real reason is.

QuoteHow did Jesus remove all sin anyway? He died and got resurrected, big whoop, that didn't do shit. It didn't stop terrorism or wars or anything.

If everyone was a god-fearing Christian(following every commandment) then there wouldn't be any wars. I believe the Bible says that if you repent your sin, you will be forgiven.....so where did it say Jesus would stop people from sinning? Jesus is said to have been god's way of experiencing the human way of life, living and dieing as a human would.

Lastly noone said you have to be a Christian or believe in anything they say, so why are you going off on misinformed rants? Oh and by the way, I currently do not practice any religion, but you don't here me saying everyone who does believe in those ideas have their heads full of bullshit. I made this post to show you how much of a bigot you come off as.


First, if you want to discuss religious beliefs, please be respectful of the beliefs of other groups.  Insulting and criticising accomplishes nothing.  Having attended catholic grade and high school, I will be happy to answer your questions.

The Messiah - translated as "anointed". Jewish tradition speaks of a messiah who will restore the Kingdom of God.  Christians see Jesus as this person
Christ- Greek word for  Messiah
Son of God- Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God
God made Man- The Reincarnation of God made flesh here on earth.
Brother of God- Not used
Uncle of God- Not used
Second Cousin Twice Removed of God- Not used, grow up
Giver of life after death- Christians believe Jesus brings life through Resurrection, reappearance from after death
The Resurrection- Coming again after death to save the world.
The guy who never sinned- Slang term I suppose

"One of those is the ability to walk on water. That's fucking scary. Imagine you lying on the beach getting a tan and suddenly a long-haired, bearded man walks towards you on the ocean. Wouldn't you be freaked out?
Then he says "Don't be afraid"..."
The purpose of this passage is to show that Jesus has power over nature and trust in God is all you need. (Peter asked Jesus to call him, Peter walked out, but lost faith and started to drown.)

"So Jesus lies next to you and says "watch dis, yo", then he performs his next miracle. Shazzam! The water in the ocean has now changed to wine."
This was Jesus' first miracle at Cana.  He was at a wedding, the wedding ran out of wine.  His mother Mary asked Him to do something.  Jesus said his time had not begun, but he followed his mother's request and changed jugs of water into wine.

"That's a pretty shit miracle, changing water into wine. Is that to suggest we should drink alcohol (which induces sinful behaviour) instead of drinking pure water? Nice logic there, Mr. Retard who wrote the bible."
Drinking is not a sin.  Drinking to excess is.  Those who can responsibly drink in celebration are alright.  And Jesus never wrote the Bible.

"Why did Jesus get crucified anyway. Did he get sentenced for never sinning? What a crime. A more logical reason for execution would be witchcraft. At least those Roman douchebags have a sensible reason for executing Jesus. And it would be a kind of a logical reason for resurrection."
He was charged with blasphemy by the Jewish court, but since they were unable to execute Him, the Jews handed him over to the Roman Governor to be put on trial.  Pilot, the governor, in order to please the crowds, had Jesus put to death for treason.  The Inscription read INRI.  Which translates into Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

"Church also sucks. What idiot came up with the idea with the bread and wine being the Body and Blood of Jesus? I mean, the world population could have ate 1000 times the amount his body in one day of church services.
That was a joke, it obviously doesn't mean the exact body of Jesus. But it's a pretty crap symbolic idea. Bread is weak and can be broken easily. Is that to suggest Jesus' body/mind was fragile and easily breakable? Some respect the church is paying. Wine representing blood? Is that to suggest Jesus had a permanent OTT blood alcohol content?"
Jesus himself instituted the Eucharist during the traditional Passover meal.  Going back to ancient times, the Hebrews believed it to be a huge sin against God to drink blood; it was thought that a person would be taking the lifeforce of God if he drank blood.  (The word for life and blood is the same)  So when Jesus told his followers this is my body, this is my blood, He was giving himself fully those people.  And he wanted the moment to be remembered.

"How did Jesus remove all sin anyway? He died and got resurrected, big whoop, that didn't do shit. It didn't stop terrorism or wars or anything."
The key concept to understand is that humans have free will.  We have the capability to do good and evil, and God gives us the freedom to choose so.  But Christians believe that believing in God and repenting for your sins will result in the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.  Jesus ended sin's rain over the world, no longer would humans perish but be granted new life.

Jesus and the Bible is a load of bullshit.
Please respect the religious beliefs of other people.  I am going to assume you are not a theologian.  So how can you make a claim that says 1.1 billion people in the world are wrong?  All religious groups need to respect the beliefs of others and be more open to dialogue between the groups.

<edit>This really should be in off topic<edit>

<edit2>Thought of more stuff:

Truly it is possible to go through and nitpick through the faults and holes of each religion, but that serves no purpose.  It's much better to look at the good aspects in what they can provide.  Maybe it's not as applicable in your life today, but as people grow older, they tend to take a greater role in their faith life.

As my world history teacher most graciously said,
"It takes as much faith to believe in evolution as it does creationism." 
And just so no one makes the foolish post saying, "but there is scientific evidence proving evolution." I must inform you that you are wrong.  Evolution is THEORY, and will most likely always remain as such.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


the last 2 comments are very good btw ur kinda on the right line about Jesus body and blood.

when Jesus said u must eat my body and drink my blood, when 1st said it made those false ones following Jesus stop following him which was a good thing obviously, then when Jesus said it the night before his death to his apostles at which is called "the lord's evening meal" he meant that people must eat his body and drink his blood, meaning take knowledge of him and believe in his sacrifice and act on it-no cannabalism invovled k.

thats what has been explained to me by my religion.

also, Jesus 1st miracle turning water into wine showed the balance of his life and shows that alchol was drunk by his disciples and others in the bible-point is some religions codemn drink i know its totally of talk but its another thought

thanks for your time guys


Bakster, there is "off topic" section. If you really wish I can also make "religion" section for you (joke)

<edit> actually, I can move threads :) So I moved it to "unrelated"



Pfft well I'm on Baksters side, only not so insulting  :)
I believe that religion is nothing more than a mass wordwide brainwashing, and for every religious person to believe that they have a personal relationship with an invisible being (whose existance is unproveable) is crazy.
Imagine someone telling this to a phsyciatrist, without mentioning that they were religious in any way, they would get put in an asylum!

Note: you are gonna hae to use your imagination a little bit because I'm not too good at arguing my point  :)


Quote from: Dodger on September 09, 2005, 11:04:02 PM
I believe that religion is nothing more than a mass wordwide brainwashing, and for every religious person to believe that they have a personal relationship with an invisible being (whose existance is unproveable) is crazy.
Not all religious groups believe in a personal spirit force.  More than 2/3 of the world believes in a religious faith other than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, the three main western monotheistic belief systems in which I think this claim is targeted at.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo



BTW my anti-religious attitude caused me to get a C in my Religious Studies GCSE  :P


Quote from: zzboots on September 09, 2005, 10:06:04 PM
As my world history teacher most graciously said,
"It takes as much faith to believe in evolution as it does creationism." 
And just so no one makes the foolish post saying, "but there is scientific evidence proving evolution." I must inform you that you are wrong.  Evolution is THEORY, and will most likely always remain as such.
Right. I guess we need to teach flat earth in school, because the THEORY of gravity is only a theory. Or maybe we need to go back to the age old idea that illness is caused by evil spirits because Germ THEORY is just that.
Apparently, many people don't understand the difference between the colloquial usage of "theory" and its scientific usage. In the latter case it means a set of commonly accepted facts (supported by evidence, that is) that have been repeatedly tested and that can be used to make predictions about the real world.
I'd say the biggest problem concerning many scientific principles is that a layperson typically either doesn't understand them or has misrepresented notions of what they really state.
Tell me zz, in your own words and notions, how do you define "evolution"?



I think it's highly unlikely that evolution will always remain a theory. I bet it will be definitively proven or disproven within our lifetimes. Zz most likely meant to say "Big Bang Theory" or something along those lines. But still, that's a theory with an awful lot of evidence behind it, and who knows what leaps and bounds we'll make in the technology that allows us to collect such data, in the next few decades. I think that phrase of your history teacher's merely suffered from a problem of semantics.

It takes as much faith to believe there is no "God" or "Spiritual Life Force" as it does to believe in any established religion. I think that's what was meant; correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, this is one hundred percent true. However, many people mistakenly think that science is inherently opposed to religion. The very basis of science is to make no assumptions, except that what we are able to observe and demonstrate is true. So, in the end, science (not scientology) may prove that Jesus was behind it all, or it may not - but nothing is certain. If you think otherwise... well it's your faith, you may do what you wish with it.

That's what I think of Jesus, thank you and goodnight.
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh


Secondly you must have attended 1 day of church to come here and bitch about things that I clearly understood when I used to participate in service.....as a young child.

I am forced to go to church every week. But my family is Polish, so I have to go to a Polish church, and I don't speak a word of Polish. So I don't learn anything. But I am forced to study Religion at school because it is a Catholic school.

Take into note the time difference here.... And also the bible is made of many from many different people, hence the different chapters. So there is no single "Mr. Retard".

So the authors followed Jesus around all his life and wrote about him. I certainly wouldn't be able to keep up. How did the Bible get published anyway? None of that stuff existed back then.

Again note the time difference, in those times people with different ideas were killed or excommunicated for having different ideas. If I recall correctly, the Bible says Jesus taught his own sermons and went around preaching his word. I don't think this was fully accepted by the government so they crucified him.

So Jesus got crucified for doing what he did all his life, and people just noticed? And wasn't Jesus loved a few days before execution, and suddenly everybody hated him? Bible need logic.

Now for your contradiction. At the end of your post you claim "the Bible is bullshit", implying it's not true, but then here you use an event told in the Bible(the resurrection) to justify Jesus not being what the Bible says?

Fair enough I suppose :-\ But so many people believe the Bible is true, I might as well accept it as being true even though I don't believe it.

Lastly noone said you have to be a Christian or believe in anything they say, so why are you going off on misinformed rants? Oh and by the way, I currently do not practice any religion, but you don't here me saying everyone who does believe in those ideas have their heads full of bullshit. I made this post to show you how much of a bigot you come off as.

My school/family say I have to believe in Christianity. And aren't I entitled to my own opinion. I may have been too offensive, and I apologise, but I should be able to express my views on this subject.

Onto zz...
The purpose of this passage is to show that Jesus has power over nature and trust in God is all you need.

You're saying you can do anything with just the trust in God? Ha.

This was Jesus' first miracle at Cana.  He was at a wedding, the wedding ran out of wine.  His mother Mary asked Him to do something.  Jesus said his time had not begun, but he followed his mother's request and changed jugs of water into wine.

What is the purpose of that passage? It's not like we can all perform magic tricks to help others.

The key concept to understand is that humans have free will.  We have the capability to do good and evil, and God gives us the freedom to choose so.  But Christians believe that believing in God and repenting for your sins will result in the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.  Jesus ended sin's rain over the world, no longer would humans perish but be granted new life.

Now this is the part of religion that confuses me. Everlasting life? Does that mean if we repent and forgive, humans will live forever? Humans still perish, they don't come back to life like Jesus did. Where is this "new life" they are granted?

Please respect the religious beliefs of other people.  I am going to assume you are not a theologian.  So how can you make a claim that says 1.1 billion people in the world are wrong?  All religious groups need to respect the beliefs of others and be more open to dialogue between the groups.

I am also making a claim that the majority of the other 5 billion people in the world are right.