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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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ill do score....

ults 11

dodger 10

the guest 7 and a half

slayer_z 4

willie 4

parsley 3

spongerbob  2 and a half

bakster 2

u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


You suck at the score.


Ults - 11

Dodger - 10

The_Guest - 7 ½

Slayer_Z - 4

Willie - 4

Parsley - 3

Spongebob - 2 ½

Bakster - 2

You spelt spongebob wrong by the way  ;)



u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


some1 post a riddle, i only need 12 more points  :D


OK, here's a riddle:

Three eggs were wandering through the forest. Suddenly, a net flies over one of them and the egg is dragged off, put into a van which drives away.

One of the eggs says 'That's a poached egg!!!!!!!!!'

Thought that was funny? Here's more:

The two remaining eggs crossed a road. Unfortunately, one of them got crushed by a lorry.
The surviving egg says 'That's a scrambled egg!!!!!'




Oh wait...that wasn't a riddle. Sorry, I have none.


You just posted that here so you could put two jokes in one day  ;D


No, I just thought of a lame joke in my head and decided to post it before I forgot.


how does five minus two equal four?
Colt 45 n two zig-zags... baby thats all we need




Two spheres lying on a wooden plank, both the same weight.  One is empty, one is full.  Tell me how to pick the full one to win 1 full point.


Pick both of them up. One of them must be the full one. You have succeeded in picking the full one. 1 point, please ;D


Here's a riddle I created. It was New Year's Eve, and I was lying in bed, dreading the thought of going to church the following morning. So, naturally, I devised a way of killing myself, and somehow a riddle theme slipped in.

Without further ado, my riddle:

You are standing in a room, with no gaps, doors, openings or windows, and no method of escape. All four walls, the ceiling and the floor are indestructable. The room is 20 metres long, 10 metres wide and 5 metres tall.
You are standing in the approximate centre of the room, with only your undergarments on. At this present moment, the room is completely empty (except for you). At full standing height, you are exactly 2m tall.
Suddenly, at the long ends of the room, the walls peel back to reveal another wall, completely covered with 1 metre long spikes. These indestructable spikes are coated with a Chemical X. When this Chemical X touches your skin, you die instantly (a negligible amount of time). The walls that have the spikes attached move at a rate of 1 metre per minute (1mpm).
5 minutes after these spikes appeared, toxic gas is released from each corner of the room. It will reach the middle of the room in 2 minutes 30 seconds, and will take a minute to kill after being inhaled.
Finally, 1 minute after the gas is released, extremely hot flames light up on the ceiling. The tendrils of the flame reach down half a metre, after that the flames are no longer deadly. The ceiling moves downwards at a rate of 1mpm. Once the "deadly" part of the flames make contact with you, you will die in 30 seconds regardless of what happens.

Provided you stall death for as long as possible, two of the 'killers' will cause you death at the same time. All I need is, which item doesn't kill you in the 'optimum time'. And what is the optimum time that you can stay alive for?

2 points to the winner

NOTE: Do not consider length/width of your body. Assume that you have no width or length, just height (To make my riddle go smoothly :P)

I can also provide a hint (only 1 point awarded if I reveal the hint)

P.S. Might not have been calculated very well by myself ;D


FIVE minus Two (letters....F&E) leaves you with IV ; roman numeral 4
Colt 45 n two zig-zags... baby thats all we need